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Meeting Place

Our meetings usually take place in the “Conference Room” of the DAZ at Charlottenplatz 17.

To get there, enter the courtyard of the complex from Karlsplatz or Altes Schloss, turn right to entrance 3 at the round tower in the courtyard corner and go up to the top floor.

But please check our
program to see where in the world we are meeting for a given event

The arrow indicates the entrance of the building at Charlottenplatz 17,
a big yellow building at the intersection of Konrad-Adenauer-Straße and Charlottenstraße.

U-Bahn Charlottenplatz

1 Hauptstätter Straße
2 Charlottenstraße
3 Konrad-Adenauer-Straße
4 Planie
5 Schillerstraße
6 Friedrichstraße
7 Theodor-Heuss-Straße













City Map Section around Charlottenplatz 17
© Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Stadtmessungsamt 2005
More Stuttgart City Maps

Public Transportation

Next U-Bahn stop (Stadtbahn) is Charlottenplatz.
The S-Bahn stops Hauptbahnhof (HBf) [
Map] or Stadtmitte are in a 10 min walking distance.

For more information to public transportation to Charlottenplatz 17 visit the VVS home page:
VVS schedule to Charlottenplatz 17

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Last update: 20.02.2007, by

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