Stuttgart Conversation Club
Englischsprachige Organisation zur Förderung internationaler Beziehungen Freundeskreis des/League of Friends of the Metropolitan Club Mitglied des/Member of the “Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrums e.V.” To get the updated version, you may need to press the “Refresh button” of your browser! (“Aktualisieren”).
The Stuttgart Conversation Club wants to talk to you! Yes, you! Do you want to practice your English? Are you interested in current events? In meeting new people? In learning about Stuttgart? The Stuttgart Conversation Club is a "sister" to the Metropolitan Club. The two share a lot of history - and participants - and sometimes do joint activities. See the program below for the date and time the club meets. Everybody who is interested is invited to come.
To learn more, contact Ed Wilson, 0711 889 2252,
General Information:
President Vice President Program Manager
Ed Wilson, 0711 889 2252 Reiner Kunkel, 0160-844 6228 Dolly Wilson, 0711 8892252
Club Mailing Address
Stuttgart Conversation Club c/o Ed Wilson Kaiserslauterer Str. 58 70499 Stuttgart
Bank Account
LBBW (Landesbank Baden-Württemberg) Konto Nr. 2185679 BLZ 600 501 01
Special Annoucements:
Printable Programs for Download: (The programs are available about one to two weeks in advance)
Archived Programs: (Past events)
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